"Moving the needle" on Serious Injury and Fatality (SIF) Prevention
For nearly a decade, many organizations have begun to embrace a new paradigm associated with the prevention of serious injuries and fatalities (SIFs). Some companies are in the early stages of deployment, while others are searching for ways to refresh or enhance their existing SIF prevention approaches. This new paradigm is centered around the fact that across much of industry, while traditional safety performance metrics (such as Total Recordable and Lost Time Incident Rates) are trending steadily downward, the rate of the incidence of serious injuries and fatalities has been plateauing, and in some cases increasing. This calls for different and new prevention strategies to prevent SIFs that go beyond traditional safety management approaches.
More recently, another promising concept has emerged on the safety front, that of Visual Literacy (VL), or to put in simplistic terms, ‘learning to see.’ COVE provides unique and effective training experiences, tools, techniques, and concepts that, if integrated into organizations’ ‘safety toolkit,’ can make that toolkit even more effective. And that is especially the case for serious injury and fatality prevention.
‘Connecting the dots’ between key principles and approaches associated with Serious Injury and Fatality (SIF) prevention and the primary concepts associated with Visual Literacy. This paper explores how the integration of Visual Literacy into an organization’s SIF program can improve the program’s effectiveness and help prevent SIFs in real-time.
In this webinar we discuss the relationship between Visual Literacy and Serious Injury and Fatality (SIF) prevention. COVE shares how Visual Literacy integrated with SIF programs can improve our ability to see SIF related hazards and precursors more completely, interpret SIF potential more accurately and communicate action plans more clearly.