
Make Slowing down and Seeing the Whole PICTURE© your New Year’s Resolution

Written by Pete Batrowny | Dec 30, 2019 4:59:07 PM

‘Tis the time of year to think about the commitments we will make in the new year to improve our lives. Many people make New Year’s Resolutions to improve health, finances relationships, or careers. What if we could make a simple resolution that would affect not only our quality of life but the safety of ourselves, co-workers and loved ones?

At COVE, we train people to practice exercises that help us “slowdown”, so we get a more comprehensive view of our surroundings. We practice taking the time to ensure we don’t just Look, but also Observe and See. We call this Reading. Once we really SEE, we can begin to more accurately Describe, Analyze and Interpret. We call this Comprehending. Once we Read and Comprehend, we are ready to Communicate, either in writing or verbally so appropriate actions can be taken. In short:

• What do you See?
• What does it Mean?
• What do you do about it?

Too often in our day to days lives we look at a situation and our brains fill in the blanks based on personal biases, past experiences and other sub-conscious factors. Most of the time this phenomenon does not lead to a performance error or safety incident, but when it does, the consequences can be profound.

Slowing down and Seeing the Whole PICTURE© will take some patience and practice, but the results are well worth the effort. We have found that when used in a workplace setting, in conjunction with other Visual Literacy techniques, this process will improve many processes including:

• Hazard Recognition
• Audits
• Incident Investigations
• Risk Assessments, and
• Leadership

Slowing down and Seeing the Whole PICTURE© was initially developed to help people appreciate and understand art. At COVE we have adapted the process to improve safety and leadership. When we practice slowing down and Seeing the Whole PICTURE©, we are in a better position to utilize our resources more efficiently and make better informed decisions. This process can help us at home, on the road and at work.

I urge you to consider Slowing down and Seeing the Whole PICTURE© for your 2020 New Year’s Resolution. To find out more about COVE, explore our Webinars, or register for an upcoming Foundations of Visual Literacy Workshop.