"Moving the Needle" on Serious Injury and Fatality (SIF) Prevention

Webinar-recording-SIF 1200x628V1-Aug


In this webinar recording we discuss the relationship between visual literacy and serious injury and fatality (SIF) prevention. Many companies today have embraced the research revealing that simply mitigating incident potential at the bottom of the Heinrich safety pyramid will not ensure the mitigation of SIFs. A key element of SIF programs today consider the potential consequences of incidents and near-misses. COVE will share how visual literacy integrated with SIF programs can improve our ability to see SIF related hazards and precursors more completely, interpret SIF potential more accurately and communicate action plans more clearly.

Key takeaways:
  • Review of SIF principles and why they are different today
  • Overview of Visual Literacy principles and why they matter
  • How Visual Literacy can improve SIF programs

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